Sunday, February 10, 2019

“A Letter To Valentine Couples”

Dear Valentine couples,

I am so happy to see you all so deeply in love with each other and spending time on this relationship. I am very touched top see your gestures on Facebook, Tweeter and Instagram. Sometimes, I feel that I should have born in this era of westernization, freedom of expression and liberal mindsets. Today, the whole generation is very liberal and open-minded. Boys and girls are enjoyed freedom to the extent of line-in relationships. They don’t want any commitment of marriage and family.

The Irony

But the irony is that you don’t want any commitment of marriage, family and children and believe in live-in relationships and encourage this kind of lifestyles. But, you want a genuine PROMISE on Promise Day and a true commitment on Valentine’s Day.

Why this Dilemma? Why can’t you stick to one choice? Why you want a commitment in short run and No Commitment in long run?
This is because you want to lead a relaxed life without any responsibility and commitments towards anyone.  You want to run away from your liabilities towards your parents, family, society and country. A country’s true wealth is known by its population’s family bonding and happiness ratio. So, here I am you guys believe in posting national flags, videos on Republic Day and Independence day to boost off your “Love for Nation” to your facebook friends and followers. But, in reality, this is not the real “You”.

The Real “You” is a coward, who don’t wants to take any responsibilities and always want to lead a life only for himself/ herself. The real “You” is a selfish person who wants to spend his salary to buy happiness only for himself, not for parents, family spouse or children.

The Bottom Line

In the end, I would like you all to know that we as parents and society are updated with your mindsets. We know how sincere you are towards your Valentine? And we also know how long you will entertain each other as Valentine’s?  So, it’s good that you don’t tie wedlock with your Valentine, because our nation and society cannot set such examples of immediate divorces and broken marriages. Today, when more than 40% of marriages are broken in the first year of marriage, we can understand that you are still not matured enough to bear the responsibilities of family, society and nation.

I just have a small message for you my dear.

“Wake up its Dawn”

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