Rose Day fever is over now! Yesterday there was a record sale
of roses all over the country. Red roses, pink roses were at their boon yesterday.
Though this full week will be a boon period for roses, but, still yesterday was
a day especially for rose-sellers. If you take it as a business point of view,
you will find that these additional days before Valentine’s Day are added
purely by marketers. These days are celebrated mostly in Asian countries, Asia
being a big population area and the best marketing target.
So, now as I have crossed that teenage of craziness, I feel
that these Rose-Day, Propose-Day, Hug-Day, Teddy-Day, etc are the business
target keywords all over the world. Today, when the Rose-day is over, you will
roses all over the streets and dustbins. This is really very sad to see these
beautiful roses smashing under the cars on roads and in dustbins.

Rose-Day After-Party
I always felt that it’s good to celebrate these days, so that
these poor florists roaming on the roads to sell flowers should get good
earnings and due importance. But, what I feel today after going through the
price hike on Rose-Day, is that even these hawkers and children selling roses
on roads are getting smarter. They utilize the time-value of “The Rose Day” and
earn good bread with topping during the whole Valentine’s week.
The Ebbing Down Of Rose-Day Fever
So, now all the kids are home and will join their schools,
colleges and offices tomorrow as the Rose-Day tide is ebbing down today, till
further notice. By “till further notice” I mean to say that Hug-Day, Teddy-Day,
Valentine’s Day etc are on the way. You never know what fever picks up your
child on Teddy-Day or Chocolate Day? So now all mother’s keep your fingers
crossed till 15th February. Keep a close eye on your kids behavior
patterns and try to save him from fake friends and misleading gifts from
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