Saturday, March 9, 2019

Happiness: An Extinct Emotion

Today, when the whole world is active on social media and uploading their smiling photos with friends and families I feel that the real happiness is fading away in these fake expressions of happiness. Today’s youth is more targeted to upload photos and videos rather than actually enjoying the moment. They post stories and live videos on Instagram and several other Social Media Channels. While doing all this they forget to actually experience the occasion and they miss the real fun of life.

The Fake Happiness

They are living life for others to see their photos and videos instead of living for their own self to learn and experience life the way it comes. They don’t remember what they actually felt while on a holiday or a trip; because they were busy uploading photos and videos at that time. Their friends are impressed by their “status and likes” records. And then they too start planning for a more adventurous trip to post updates of Social Media. They are doing all this not to gain experience but to gain “likes’ and “Views”

The Magnetic Aura of Fake Happiness

Today, all old and young get attracted towards the face book followers and likes records. They have started using “metrics” to measure “happiness”, instead of “smiles”.
I still remember those beautiful childhood summer holidays when we all used to spray water on our terrace and spread beds with mosquito nets to sleep on roof-top. i still remember watching those beautiful stars till late night.We don’t have any photos or videos of that time but still I remember each and every moment and incidence of those days as the most beautiful part of my memory-lane.

Our mothers and grandmothers never clicked our photos to make us feel how important we were for them? But, on the contrary they never forgot to make our favorite pickle, jam and foods for us to ensure our good health and happiness in that small steel Tiffin-box. How genuine our smiles were those days? How real their love was without any “likes” or views” or “comments” of anyone who was not involved. That love and happiness was as pure and sacred as my grandmother’s love for us. She taught us to be “happy” even when we don’t have a single penny in our pockets. That was the real “happiness” which is “endangered” now.

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