Thursday, March 14, 2019

Foods to Increase Immunity

Today, when we all are facing several immunity and digestion related diseases even at an early age, we all need to focus on our selection of foods and dietary planning. Nowadays, everyone is consulting a dietitian on a daily basis. This was not common long back as these dietitians were restricted only to patients, sports persons and models. Everybody else ate whatever was cooked and the food was digested very easily. People were active and healthy even in old-age. The food habits at that era were very different from today, as the children never counted what they ate. They were playing in schools and even after returning from schools they were actively cycling and playing outdoor sports.

Food or Calories?

But, now every item in the Tiffin is counted in the text of calories and carbohydrates. It’s not your favorite vegetable or desert you eat? It’s in the terms of calories and carbohydrates you are eating. Our brain is commanding all our organs for their respective tasks, so when we eat in the terms of calories not taste or liking our Brain takes it the command in that manner only and that is the reason behind our diseases related to digestion and immunity. It results in indigestion and dissatisfaction, the food we eat only satisfies our hunger not our brain, you still feel the need to eat something tastier and that is the reason behind all diseases.

Foods to Increase Happiness and Immunity

I think the lifestyles and the food habits few decades back was very healthy and if not totally but at least to some extent we should accept those habits of physical activities and eating your favorite foods for a better health and contentment. Instead of eating tasteless foods and counting calories, we should start eating fresh and nutrient rich foods to give you a feeling of satisfaction and happiness. It’s this feeling of happiness which will keep you away from several diseases. So, now I expect all the readers to control the intake of supplements and dietary foods and replace it with fresh home-made nutritious foods for happiness and immunity against several diseases.

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