A Coffee With Myself
Coffee is closer to heart since fifth century in Yemen. Though
some say its cultivation started in 9th century in Ethiopia. It has
captured everybody’s attention and from children to seniors are in its fan’s
club. Small children love coffee in varieties of chocolates, ice-creamsand shakes. Even adults love to spend time with friends and family over
a coffee. Its only this coffee which takes you in relax mode and you meet
yourself. So, this is reason why I always link coffee as a rendezvous with myself every
morning with a coffee in the balcony watching God’s beautiful creations and evaluating
Coffee—A Decision-Maker
Since my childhood I wondered why every serious discussion
was done over a Coffee or a Tea? I got the answer today when I have grown up. Today
I understand the basic concept behind this human psychology; we always need a
brain-booster to take decisions. Be it decisions of office or home, or may be
some serious decisions of life. Coffee has always helped us in taking
decisions. It not only energizes our brain with alertness and quickness but
also helps in digestion of food. The caffeine present in coffee is a cure for
several diseases. No doubt its excess also affects in a negative way.
A Rendezvous With Myself
I suggest all of you to spend some time with ourselves to
evaluate our own self. This daily dose of self- assessment, meditation or self-examination
is very necessary to lead a healthy life with NO GRUDGES. Even doctors and psychiatrists, suggests to
add these habits in our daily routine. Our ancient history also gives us such
messages that meditation and self-evaluation are the best remedies for several
diseases. So, encourage such healthy habits for a better today and tomorrow.
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