Thursday, April 4, 2019

WHITE To Fight Cancer

Cancer is spreading virally and dangerously breaking all boundaries of age. Even small toddlers are suffering from cancer and are undergoing painful treatments. Previously there were myths that Cancer is caused only and only due to Tobacco, liquor and smoking or other weeds harming our body organs. But, this is not the only cause for Cancer; there are several other important reasons also responsible for Cancer cells growth in our body.

Cancer cells are just like other cells in our body that are dividing and dying normally. Cancer cells are proliferating at a very high speed in our body, but our immune system identify and destroy them. If our immune system weakens and stops or slows down destroying these cancer cells then these grow faster and multiply and start capturing the nearby organs, thus causing Cancer.

The Precaution Is Better Than Cure

All we can do is to strengthen our immunity system. Our immunity system identifies foreign bodies like microbes and viruses and kills them. Our immune system consists of “White Blood Cells”. These cells fight with all foreign bodies like infection causing bacteria’s, viruses etc to save our body.

The strength of the immunity system depends on the overall health of the person. These White Blood Cells identify antigens substances that prompt an immune response that our body may have encountered before. Then these WBC help other body cells to make ‘antibodies’ to kill infection causing cells or the cancer cells. WBC originates in the Bone-Marrow and become specialized in the ‘Thymus’. Thymus is a small organ below the breast plate. These cells circulate from bloodstream to Lymphatic system. WBC is also known as Lymphocytes.

A person, who has insufficient WBC due to AIDS or infection from HIV+ source, is more prone to get infected with Cancer. Even a person who may not be HIV+ , but has weak immune system and is prone to seasonal infections has increased chances of the disease. Besides this the major cause of Cancer is that the disease is “Genetic”, it travels in the genes and thus gives you an alarm to be cautious.

“Educate Yourself To Protect From Cancer

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