Monday, April 8, 2019

Are You Serious About Your Dental Health?

Tooth Decay! It’s a big matter of concern for majority of parents. Today, with highly changed food habits and tastes, increased use of sugar and aerated drinks and lack of consciousness towards dental health, the youth is facing several issues related to dental health.

In olden days, the ‘Neem Sticks’ were chewed to kill germs and bad odor of mouth. “Neem” is a well known disinfectant. Its sour taste killed all germs and left the user fresh and odorless. People used to chew it for 10-15 minutes to maintain the oral health and hygiene. Unlike, today’s toothpastes which are more like sweets toffees; they just create froth in the mouth. This flavored toothpaste creates froth and an urgent urge to gargle, due to which the brushing time is reduced to 1-2 minutes only.

The toothbrush only cleans and scrubs the outer surface of the tooth, whereas the neem-stick used to be chewed and this exercise was very beneficial for the general health of the tooth. Today, people are more and more trending towards the use of these toothpastes and mouth-fresheners, but, they are forgetting that we need to clean our teeth for at least 10-15 minutes at a stretch, Lesser than that will not remove the bacteria and germs from in-between the teeth.

Children and even adults are not cleaning their mouth before going to bed. This is again a major reason for tooth-decay. This gives enough time for bacteria to multiply and attack on the tooth-enamel. Our mouth is the most prone –to-infection organ in the body. As we keep on and drinking, and moreover it remains wet every time. These two conditions are very favorable for the bacteria’s to multiply and attack. In order to avoid Tooth-Decay and other dental infections we should include regular brushing for at least three times a day after every meal, besides early morning.

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